Still Walking – Roger Ebert

A composition similar to Ozu, in “Still Walking.”

Most family dramas contain too much drama. In most families, the past and present don’t meet and find resolution during a 24-hour period, no matter how many American films you’ve seen about Thanksgiving. Painful family issues are more likely to stay beneath the surface, known to everyone but not spoken of. “Still Walking,” a magnificent new film from Japan, is very wise about that, and very true.

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‘Kiseki (I Wish)’ – MARK SCHILLING

Engineering a miracle is child’s play — and anything but a cynical tearjerker


Hirokazu Koreeda has risen to heights of international critical esteem that few of his generation can equal. An American film journal recently devoted nearly an entire issue to his films (with this reviewer contributing). But what foreign critics and fans often think they are getting — a director carrying on the humanistic traditions of Japanese cinema’s 1950s and 1960s Golden Age — is not quite what Koreeda is delivering.

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